Trying to quit: Day 70 – Double digit week achieved🙌 10weeks smoke free😱

Whaaaaat?!? How did I get here? How did I survive this long? I thought I’d always need my trusty coping stick. I’ve had a rough, stressful couple of weeks at work & personally, yet I still quit smoking through it all! I quit and didn’t go back!

AAAAHHHH!!!!! I want to shout it from the rooftops! I’m really chuffed with myself. I thought I would cave! Each new hour, each new day was a new challenge for me. “Just get through it” I kept telling myself. Scream, cry, kick, throw tantrums… but just push through. I didn’t know my own capabilities, perseverance, determination & strength.

Quitting smoking cold turkey is not for the faint hearted. If ever you hear someone saying “Pff it was a breeze” they’re not being truthful. Or perhaps I was just horribly addicted, who am I to judge 🤷‍♀️ Every person has different experiences.

It’s funny, 10 weeks after quitting a 20year habit and addiction, I expect so many things. I expect the morning frog in the throat to be gone. I expect my skin to look fresher🤨 I expect my breath to be rainbows & sparkles all the time. I keep waiting for fruit to taste “better” 🤔

That’s just me, always putting extra pressure on myself. And having high expectations. I am learning to celebrate & appreciate small victories.

So, now that I’ve achieved this, I’ve decided to take on a new, hugely frightening challenge.

Yeah… I’m a real sucker for punishment🤦‍♀️

Stay tuned… 😉

#onehouratatime #onedayatatime

Trying to quit: Day 56 – 8 weeks smoke free

Wow! That’s quite an achievement. For me it is!

I am so glad I did this for myself. I am so glad I didn’t do it for anyone else. What I’ve learnt in the past 8 weeks is, no one cares! People forget. They say “well done” occasionally or if you happen to mention your progress. Other than that, no one really gives a flying fuck. No one is commenting on your fresher breath, that you don’t “stink” after popping out for a walk, that you’re not coughing so much anymore. And that’s ok 😊

I am fueled by my own reasons for quitting. And by the memory of how difficult those 1st 2 or 3 weeks were. My progress is just that… my own.

Hey, I do still miss it occasionally. I still struggle with the coping connection cigarettes were for me, but it has become easier. The cravings aren’t completely gone, every now & then I blurt out “OH! A smoke would be great right now!” But, it’s kinda become a joke for us now 😏 I cried a little today – unrelated, but a smoke would have made me feel better.

I’m going to continue saying I’m trying to quit because the last time I tried (maybe 8years ago), it only lasted 18months before stress & loneliness overwhelmed me & I whipped out my trusty coping stick.

So, I’m a work-in-progress. Some progress, is better than none!

#onehouratatime #onedayatatime #exsmokerconfessions