Lockdown Day8 – 03 April 2020

Our 2nd Friday in #lockdown and TGIF! Been a busy work-from-home week. I work in manufacturing & import goods from Europe, so you can only imagine all the hiccups, from flight delays / cancellations, newly imposed import restrictions to customs stops… everything is upside down, yet we need to carry on. Our economy depends on it.

Unprecedented times indeed.

This morning was garbage collection & we were so relieved that ours was collected as usual. Some neighborhoods were waiting days for trucks to come around because of skeleton staff and a couple trucks broke down. On my way back in to the complex, I had to take a pic of this notice in our foyer.

Notice in our complex foyer
Image taken by myself

So, after waiting all day to see what would happen at 8pm, the time finally arrived. There we are, my partner & I, peeking out our windows overlooking the street. It was so expected, it was hilarious. If there were 4 people cheering, that was a lot. I did hear some bagpipes in the distance🤷‍♀️ And someone was playing the Gloria Gaynor song “I will survive” The air is beautifully crisp and clear, it’s so quiet that it’s loud. I hear things in the distance more. Like those bagpipes 😂

But on a more serious note, I have the utmost respect & gratitude for all those serving us on the frontlines. My sister is a medical receptionist / physician assistant, she had to take some time off while treating symptoms. Luckily, like me, it was the other strain of flu and not covid-19!!! I also have a very good friend nursing in Ireland, currently finishing her quarantine period after traveling back from Cape Town last minute, before Ireland closed their borders. I didn’t get to see her while she was here, but we keep in touch and I’m so glad she’s ok. But I still have concern, knowing she’ll be stepping into the frontlines in Monday, while my sister returns tomorrow. They’ll happily put on their masks & still keep smiling behind it as they serve.

Across the road, in the garden of a neighboring complex, I saw an older gent sitting under a tree, on a garden chair, topless, wearing a sun hat and reading a book. It was a beautiful 32°C day, blue skies. The kind of day I’d drive to the beach after work. Go for a walk to shake off the week.

Those are two things on my #postlockdownlist of things to do. A long, mountain drive to nowhere in particular and a long walk on the beach, maybe even a dip in a tidal pool if it isn’t freezing by then yet.

Lots to look forward to. Keep positive and stay safe. If you can, stay home!

#21days #day8 #flattenthecurve #lockdown #isolation #lockdown_capetown #lockdown_southafrica #covid_19 #coronavirus #capetown #southafrica #staysafe #socialdistancing #physicaldistancing #stayathome #workfromhome #nature #missingoutside #autumn

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